Selling Patent Portfolios

There must be a compelling reason for someone to buy
your patents – and you have to give it to them.

IPLC believes that the only way to receive a reasonable price for a patent or a portfolio is to show the buyer exactly why there is value.  This means the more you can show there is use or potential use of the patented technology, the more the buyer will pay.

To do this, we process portfolios for sale the same as we process assertive licensing programs.  We evaluate the patents, we reverse engineer products and we negotiate with potential buyers in a manner similar to assertive licensing cases.

IPLC will do this with no charges for our time or our expenses.  Our only payment comes at a time when the patents are sold.

Assertive Licensing Programs

Defensive Licensing Programs

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All rights reserved. All other product names referenced herein are trademarks of their respective companies.
IPLC LLC is an equal opportunity employer.